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Cathedral City Senior Center Food Pantry

37171 W Buddy Rogers Ave, Cathedral City, CA 92234

A DPSS customer displays produce purchased with CalFresh benefits

Event Details

Our Community Outreach Branch team will be providing valuable information on cash aid, food assistance, health coverage, and various other programs accessible to residents of Riverside County. Our eligibility technicians will be on hand to conduct assessments for CalFresh, CalWORKs, and Medi-Cal, assisting you through the application process. Moreover, they will be able to link you with additional available resources. Our team is fluent in both English and Spanish to better serve you. We eagerly anticipate your presence at the event!

Nuestro equipo de Alcance Comunitario estará dando información importante sobre ayuda monetaria, asistencia alimentaria, cobertura de salud y otros programas disponibles para los que residan en el Condado de Riverside. Nuestros trabajadores de elegibilidad estarán disponibles para realizar evaluaciones de CalFresh, CalWORKs y Medi-Cal, ayudándole con el proceso de solicitud. Además, podrán conectarlo con otros recursos disponibles. Nuestro equipo habla inglés y español para poder atenderlo mejor. ¡Esperamos contar con su presencia en el evento!

Upcoming Events

Placeholder image An eligibility technician helps a customer with their CalFresh application.
Placeholder image The Mobile Outreach Van stationed at an event in the Coachella Valley.