Welfare to Work
For those struggling to pay bills and looking for new job opportunities, we are here to provide support. The Welfare-to-Work program helps those struggling with low income and unemployment to become self-sufficient. Welfare-to-Work offers CalWORKs customers who are receiving cash aid, the tools and training needed to successfully enter the workforce and attain financial independence We work with participants to identify and resolve barriers to employment. We also encourage participants to start working as soon as possible in a position that matches their skills and abilities. Adult basic education and on-the-job training is also available and may be offered to help participants get back on their feet.
Most CalWORKs recipients are required to participate in workforce training. Exempt recipients can volunteer to participate and are then eligible to access all Welfare-to-Work services. Contact your CalWORKs representative to volunteer to participate in the program.
If you receive CalWORKs cash aid you will automatically be enrolled in the Welfare-to-Work program by your eligibility worker.
Reach out to your eligibility worker by calling 877-410-8827. Also, learn more about CalWORKs by visiting this page.
The program provides the following training and barrier removal services to assist eligible participants in reaching self-sufficiency through employment:
- child care assistance
- diaper assistance
- work related expense assistance
- education planning
- education related expense assistance
- transportation assistance
- housing assistance
- mental health/substance abuse treatment
- domestic abuse services
- work experience
- on-the-job-training
- basic education
- subsidized employment
- family stabilization services
- job readiness preparation, and
- occupational skills training.
As Welfare-to-Work program participants progress in the job market, they receive assistance with job retention services. Innovative service delivery by various education and training providers for working parents is pivotal at this time.
Former CalWORKs customers may receive services that promote job retention and career advancement. The focus is maintaining employment and remaining independent of CalWORKs assistance.
Find out more here.