Adult Services
Disabled Adults and Seniors
Older adults and those with disabilities deserve the freedom to live safely in the comfort of their own home.
We believe in your right to dignity, to self-determination, and to live with as much independence as possible.
If you or a loved one is an older or dependent adult, we want to partner with you. Alongside with other agencies in the community, we will create a plan that is tailor-made to your unique needs.
We are part of a countywide multidisciplinary team of legal and health advocates to provide community education and investigate reports of elder and dependent adult abuse. Learn more by watching this video.

Riverside County Adult Services Division Programs
Adult Protective Services (APS)
Adult Protective Services (APS) responds to reports of abuse against older and dependent adults in Riverside County. We work for you, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information about APS, visit Adult Abuse.
In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)
In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) is a home care program that prioritizes the safety of older adults, dependent adults, and minors in their own homes.
- Meet Medi-Cal eligibility requirements in the state of California
- Have a disability which is expected to continue longer than 12 months
- Have a physician or medical professional determine that you are unable to remain safely in your own home without IHSS.
Want more information or to apply? Visit
Public Authority
The IHSS Public Authority comes alongside In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) consumers by recruiting, screening, and training in-home care providers. The IHSS Public Authority meticulously matches the consumer with a caregiver they can trust. This service is completely free.
For information about how to find an IHSS Caregiver, visit Find a Caregiver
For information about becoming an IHSS Caregiver, visit Become a Caregiver
For questions, you can call the Public Authority at (888) 960-4477 or click here to connect with the Public Authority.
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI)
CAPI is a state-funded program that provides monthly cash benefits to older, blind, or disabled non-citizens who are ineligible for SSI/SSP solely due to their immigration status.
To be eligible for CAPI you must:
- Be ineligible for Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) solely due to immigration status
- Be aged, blind, or disabled
- Be a California resident
- Have resources below the allowable limits of $2,000 for an individual or $3,000 for a couple,
- Have income that is less than the CAPI payment standards
- Be a non-citizen and meet the immigration status criteria.
To apply for CAPI, call (888) 960-4477 or visit a DPSS office nearest you.
Homeless Multidisciplinary Personnel Team - Assembly Bill 210
Effective January 1, 2018 Assembly Bill (AB) 210 allows for the establishment multi-disciplinary personnel teams (MDTs) to serve homeless adults and families within the County. In addition, members of the MDT are authorized to share and exchange confidential information for the purpose of coordinating housing and supportive services.
AB 210 also requires counties to establish a protocol governing the sharing of information. Riverside County’s AB 210 Protocol can be found here.
Participating Agency Agreement
The Riverside County Participating Agency Agreement which must be signed by all participating agencies can be found here.
Policies and Procedures on AB 210
The Riverside County Policies and Procedures governing AB 210 can be found here.
AB 210 Employee Confidentiality
The AB 210 Employee Confidentiality Statement on which all participating staff must be trained and sign can be found here.
AB 210 legislation
AB 210 legislation can be found here
If you suspect an older or dependent adult is being abused or neglected, call the Adult Protective Services 24-hour, 7-day a week hotline at (800) 491-7123.
To apply for In-Home Supportive Services online click here or apply over the phone by contacting Riverside’s HOME Call Center at (888) 960-4477.