Child Abuse
Children’s Services
Suspected Abuse
A child is counting on you! If you suspect child abuse or neglect, it is vitally important that you report it by calling our confidential 24-hour, 7-day-a-week hotline at 1-800-442-4918.

How Do I Report Child Abuse?
In Riverside County call 1-800-442-4918.
Outside the Riverside area call: Child Help National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453
Mandated reporters must immediately report abuse to the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-442-4918. Mandated reporters are required to submit a written follow-up report within 36 hours.
What Information Is Needed When Making A Child Abuse Report?
It is helpful to have as much of the listed information as possible. Even if you do not have all the information on this list, please still report.
- Names and ages/dates of birth for the child and/or family
- Address for the child and/or family
- The issue that prompted the call and how the information was obtained
- Date(s) and description(s) of the injuries or dangers to the child
- Identities of perpetrator(s) and their relationship(s) to the victim
- Witnesses to the incident(s) and how they may be reached
- Details of any physical evidence available
- Alleged perpetrator’s current access to the child
- Present condition of the child (alone, in need of medical attention, etc.)
- Any statements from the child
What Happens When I Report Child Abuse?
When a person calls the Child Abuse Hotline regarding possible abuse or neglect of a child, a Risk and Safety Assessment is completed. A decision is made about how quickly to respond to the report. Response times may be within 24 hours, 10 days, or not at all. If there is no legally defined abuse allegation, the report will stay on record but there will be no in-person response.
When an in-person response is complete, there are several possible outcomes for the family and the child(ren).
- The investigation may conclude that there is no evidence of abuse or neglect and the case is closed without further action.
- The conclusion may be that there is no evidence of abuse or neglect, but the family may be referred for services that will benefit them such as parenting, anger management, or counseling.
- The investigation may determine that abuse or neglect issues exist, but may be resolved by providing Family Maintenance Services. Family Maintenance Services allow the children to stay in the home while the Children’s Services Division works with the family and other service organizations to help the family.
- The investigation may conclude that the child is not safe in his/her home and must be removed from the care of the parent or caretaker. In these instances, court proceedings are initiated. Juvenile Court involvement will continue until the child may be safely reunified with the parent or caretaker. If the child cannot be safely reunified with the parent or caretaker, the Children’s Services Division establishes a permanent plan for the child’s care.
Confidentiality: The name of the reporting party is confidential. It is not disclosed to the victim, their family, or the alleged abuser.
What Should Be Reported To Children’s Services?
Child abuse and neglect comes in many forms and can be an act or an omission that harms a child. It may include:
- Sexual Abuse
- Neglect (severe and general)
- Physical Abuse (willful harming or endangering of a child and unlawful corporal punishment or injury)
- Emotional Abuse
- Abuse or Neglect in out of home care
- Maternal Substance Abuse
The risk to children when Domestic Violence is occurring in the home is also considered neglect.
Physical abuse is when a parent or caretaker injures or traumatizes a child, and it’s not an accident. It also includes a parent’s or a caregiver’s failure to protect a child from another person who physically harms the child.
Sexual Abuse includes penetration or touching a child’s intimate parts, oral sex with a child, indecent exposure, using a child for prostitution, manufacturing child pornography, or any other sexual act performed in a child’s presence for sexual gratification. Child sexual abuse also includes a parent or caretaker failing to make reasonable efforts to stop child sexual abuse.
Emotional Abuse includes, but is not limited to, verbal assaults, ignoring and indifference, or constant family conflict.
Neglect includes any situation where a child does not receive proper care and/or is exposed to hazardous conditions such as drugs, domestic violence, or other issues, which threaten the child’s safety and wellbeing.
Who Should Report Allegations of Abuse or Neglect to The Children’s Services Division?
Some professions, including educators and law enforcement, are mandated by law to report suspected child abuse and neglect. Mandated reporters are people who come into contact with children and families through their job. Click below to learn which professionals are mandated reporters.
Penal Code Section 11165.7: Mandated reporters are required to report suspected child abuse and/or to a child protective services agency by filing a Mandated Reporter form within 36 hours of submitting an oral report. The following is a list (not all inclusive) of professionals who are Mandated Reporters:
- Anyone whose duties require direct contact and supervision of children.
- Medical, dental and hospital personnel including: physicians, surgeons, dentists, residents, interns, podiatrists, chiropractors, licensed nurses, dental hygienists, optometrists, medical examiners, coroners, emergency medical technicians and paramedics.
- Mental health professionals and counselors including: psychiatrists, psychologists, licensed and unlicensed marriage, family and child counselors and trainees and psychological assistants.
- School officials and educators including: public, classified or private teachers, instructional aides or teacher’s assistants, administrative officers, supervisors of child welfare and attendance, administrators or employees of a county office of education or the California
- Department of Education and school police.
- Social service personnel including: public assistance workers, social workers, clinical social workers, child visitation monitors and county welfare employees.
- Clergy including: priests, ministers, rabbis, religious practitioners, or similar functionary of a church, temple or recognized denomination or organization.
- Day camp or child care providers including: public or private: administrators, licensees and employees of any youth center, youth recreational program, youth organization, licensed community care or child day care facility.
- Commercial film and photographic print processors including: all employees who develop exposed negatives, slides, or prints.
- Law enforcement personnel including: any employee of any police department, county sheriff’s department, and county probation department. This includes probation officers, parole officers, police officers, peace officers and custodial officers.
Where Do I Find Training About Child Abuse and Reporting?
Contact Hope Collaborative at or (951) 686-1096
Mandated reporters may also access training online.