Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse
Adult Services Division
Every year, thousands of at-risk adults are victims of abuse and/or neglect. This is unacceptable. Adult Protective Services (APS) is here to fight for you and your loved ones.
Starting January 1st, 2022, Riverside County Adult Protective Services will serve clients 60 years of age and older, as well as dependent adults ages 18-59. We intervene and assist elder or dependent adults to alleviate physical, sexual, and financial abuse, neglect, isolation, abandonment, abduction, and mental suffering.

If you suspect an older or dependent adult is being abused or neglected, call APS’ 24-hour, 7-day a week hotline at (800) 491-7123. APS social workers respond to reports of elder and dependent adult abuse. Our in-person response system is available anytime.
If you are a mandated reporter and need to report suspected abuse or neglect, visit our online reporting portal. Click below to learn more about support for victims of adult abuse and available resources to prevent abuse.
C.A.R.E. Program
The C.A.R.E. (Curtailing Abuse Related to the Elderly) Program is here for community education and prevention of financial exploitation of the elderly. We go out to both professional and community groups to provide presentations, trainings, and informative sessions about how to spot and report elder abuse.
For victims, C.A.R.E. coordinates with the Multi-Disciplinary Elder Abuse Teams to bring professionals together and provide wrap-around services of aid. Click the following link to hear more: When Trust is a Weapon brochure.
Want to connect with the C.A.R.E. Program? Email [email protected]
Multi-Disciplinary Teams
Social workers, mental health experts, doctors, and legal experts have forged multidisciplinary teams to address complex cases. Through a holistic approach, these teams help safeguard at-risk adults and bring justice to those who’ve been harmed. The support provided includes home visits by physicians, mental health providers and social workers who work with seniors and dependent adults to ensure they get the appropriate support they need to stay safe and secure in their homes. Learn more about the team’s approach by watching this video.
APS’ 24-hour, 7-day a week hotline: (800)491-7123