Collections Unit
If you have received overpayments and/or over-issuances from CalFresh, CalWORKs, Foster Care, or other Social Services, you should contact the Recovery Collections Unit.
We strive to understand each customer’s financial situation. We want to achieve an amicable, achievable repayment plan together. Our commitment is to you and your need to find a workable resolution to your situation.
Our service also enforces collection actions on delinquent and overdue accounts. We negotiate repayment plans, file civil legal actions, and enforce of court-ordered collection remedies.

Want to pay your bill online?
Visit this link and complete the payment form
Want to mail in your payment?
Mail-in payments by check or money order to DPSS and include your case number or recovery account number. Send to:
10281 Kidd St. 1st Floor
Riverside, CA 92503
Need to contact the Recovery Collections Unit?
For questions related to overpayment, over-issuances or demand letters, please call (951) 358-3200.