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Suicide Awareness Event in Blythe

Todd Park, 370 N Broadway, Blythe, CA 92225

Event Details

Join us at this event hosted by Peace from Chaos for information on cash aid, food assistance, health coverage, and other programs offered. Our bilingual eligibility technicians will assist with CalFresh, CalWORKs, and Medi-Cal assessments and applications, and connect you to other services available. 

Acompáñenos en el evento organizado por Peace from Chaos para enterarse de asistencia en efectivo, ayuda alimentaria, cobertura de salud y otros programas de apoyo. Nuestros técnicos bilingües le atenderán  para determinar su elegibilidad y ayudar con las solicitudes de CalFresh, CalWORKs y Medi-Cal, además de acercarle a otros servicios disponibles.


Upcoming Events

Placeholder image An eligibility technician helps a customer with their CalFresh application.
Placeholder image The Mobile Outreach Van stationed at an event in the Coachella Valley.